The Heroine & Mentor

Every hero (or in this case heroine) needs a mentor and companion.  In my case, Sully is both. How does one acquire a mentor/companion you ask?  Normally, you would sift through your list of friends and family to find a suitable and dedicated mentor/companion.  Failing that, you’d alternate amongst the volunteers who promise to make it out to at least one week.  But then you’d have inconsistencies.  Bubba wouldn’t know how to compare the eggs benedict with the ones that Vanyel  had with me last week.  Fandes wouldn’t know whether the 2nd restaurant had better hollandaise sauce or the 4th because she only went to the 5th and Avik went to the 8th.  Sure it’s nice to have Foolio and Oz join in once in a while, but where’s the consistency in that?  Many will be aghast at my blatant disregard for diet and healthy meal choices, and will stand fast to their resolve to lose rather than gain weight.  These are not areas of concern for me.  My options were bleak.  Clearly, this just would not do.  So, in the end I did what any sane and rational girl would do.  I took to the interweb.  Specifically, OkCupid. I know what you’re thinking, brilliant idea!  What better way to find someone suited to your needs than a dating website filled with a database of people who are also searching for something and someone specific?  I just needed to add a couple filters:

  • committed to 8 weeks
  • once a week
  • maximum 3 hours per day
  • conversation is required
  • guaranteed good time

The first person who sent me a message received that as a response.  I realized my error, and you can imagine the dialogue. Cue edited version:

  • committed to 8 weeks
  • once a week
  • maximum 3 hours per day
  • conversation is required
  • guaranteed good time
  • platonic friendship

After spending a significant amount of time perusing through the masses (I think I spent an hour), I landed on a profile that had these key aspects:

  • sense of humour was akin to mine
  • no nonsense and straight to the point
  • fairly certain he wasn’t a psycho/sociopath
  • likes to eat

Done!  Sent a message with my proposition that included the amended line, and then promptly deleted my account. Luckily for me, it was as if divine providence had a hand in it because Sully was quite keen on eating, and had been looking to try out the breakfast menus of Toronto restaurants.  There wasn’t any awkward getting to know you or concern over whether he would like me, because quite frankly my dear, I didn’t give a damn.  What I wanted was simple:  Someone to have breakfast with me every Sunday so I can conduct my yummy research and write about it.  My shot in the dark ended up hitting the bullseye.

Thanks for Chasing Benny with me Sully.

Anything to say about Benny?